Bitter Tears for the loss of the Syrian Christian Community

Bitter tears for the loss of the Christians and the minorities

In the middle east where there is variety of religions and ethnicities,  I have observed  that the ruling majority is always suspicious of the minorities’ foreign allegeance and tend to radicalize and often ostracise them. We see that in Iran, in Bahrain, in Saudi Arabia, in Egypt,  in Soudan etc..
This is why generally, minorities feel more reassured when the country ruler is also from a minority.
In Lebanon the Christians have managed to obtain some sort of guarantee to keep significant political rights through an unwritten agreement of power sharing. This seem unthinkable for most Moslem Syrians. The fact that the Arab Sunnis will ultimately take the power from a minority will be seen ass  a sign to non-Moslem or non-Arab ethnic minorities that they will become second class citizens with little power, no protection and no guarantees. They will be systematically discriminated.
In these conditions, either they’ll fight back to get their recognition included in the Constitution or through a political agreement like Lebanon or they’ll create an autonomous areas like Iraq Kurdistan or they will leave the country.

Sunnis alone then will be responsible to move Syria into ‘democracy’. As there are no example of Sunni Arab Moslem working democracy, it will be trial and errors and under the advices and financial influence of rich non-democratic countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the GCC and some western-educated expats

Soon the economy will be in shamble, therefore many young educated Christians who could claim to be discriminated, will be welcomed in the Western countries and there will be a real brain drain.
Because the Islamic extremists are also Sunnis, it will be very difficult for a Sunni government to control them and Syria will fall prey to countries that would want to use it for their own interests. Israel will have no incentive to give the Golan back ever.
The loss of the Christian community and the loss of confidence of of the Kurds, the Alawites, the Assyrians in their role in a society from now on dominated by the Sunnis will transform Syria into a monochrome country at the mercy of the rich Sunni Gulf countries and the western countries and therefore,  like Tunisia. will become weak and dependent.
A gloomy future that many Syrians are fighting for.

Bronco on

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